
∆T-junkie. Data Logger.

  • The ∆T-junkie (dTj) is a powerful and compact multi channel Data Logger for temperature measurements.
  • Easy to use wireless data logging system with replaceable power source.
  • Sleek design without buttons. Settings and commands are done wirelessly via software.
  • Integrated heat protection case for use in thermal processes such as soldering. 

Your Oven. Your Logger.

  • Up to 20 temperature channels are possible to meet different process requirements.
  • Adjustments of the Data Logger dimensions allows perfect fit in every oven.
  • Additional heat protection or specialized sealing for each Data Logger is realizable.
  • Integration of screw-on points and other solutions  for individually customized machine integration.


  • Individual carriers and spacers in various materials enables the same Data Logger to be used in different ovens and processes.
  • Screw-on points and other solutions for best machine integration.
  • Fully customizable thermoelements in length and plug socket combination.